DL/T 703-2015.Determination of dissolved gas content in insulating oil by gas chromatograpby. 1范围 DL...
GB 50148-2010 电气装置安装工程电力变压器油浸电抗器、互感器施工及验收规范
GB 50148-2010.Code for construction and acceptance of power transformers oil reactor and mutual indu...
DL/T 487-2000 330kV及500kV交流架空送电线路绝缘子串的分布电压
DL/T 487-2000.The distribution voltage along insulator string on A.C. overhead transmission line wit...
GB 50147-2010 电气装置安装工程 高压电器施工及验收规范
GB 50147-2010. Code for construction and acceptance of high-voltage electric equipment ins ation eng...
GB 50071-2014 小型水力发电站设计规范
GB 50071-2014.Design code for small hydropower station. 1总则 1.0.1 为适应我国小型水力发电站建设发展的需要,反映电站建设的技术进步和经验...
GB 50070-2009 矿山电力设计规范
GB 50070-2009.Code for design of electric power in mine. 1总则 1.0.1 为使矿山电力设计贯彻国家的法律、法规和方针政策,做到保障生命安全和...
DL/T 727-2000 互感器运行检修导则
DL/T 727-2000.Guideline of operation and maintenance for current and voltage transformers. 1范围 本导则规定...
DL/T 486-2000 交流高压隔离开关和接地开关订货技术条件
DL/T 486-2000.Specifications for HV AC disconnectors and earthing switches. 1范围 本标准适用于额定电压3. 6kV~ 55...
GB 50061-2010 66kV及以下架空电力线路设计规范
GB 50061-2010.Code for design of 66kV or under overhead electrical power transmission line. 1总则 1.0....
DL/T 715-2000 火力发电厂金属材料选用导则
DL/T 715-2000.Selection guidelines for the metallic material of fossilfired power plants. 1范围 本标准规定了...