GB 50373-2006.Design code for communication conduit and passage engineering. 1总则 1.0.1 为了适应现代化城市建设与信...
DL/T 734-2017 火力发电厂锅炉汽包焊接修复技术导则
DL/T 734-2017.Technical guide of welding repair for boiler drum for fossil-fired power plant. 1范围 DL...
DL/T 5769-2018 电网检修工程工程量清单计价规范
DL/T 5769-2018.Standard method of valuation for maintenance project. 1总则 1.0.1为规范电网检修工程 工程量清单计价行为,统一...
GB 50343-2012 建筑物电子信息系统防雷技术规范
GB 50343-2012.Technical code for protection of building electronic information system against lightn...
DL/T 874-2017 电力行业锅炉压力容器安全监督管理工程师培训考核规程
DL/T 874-2017.Code for training and examination for boiler pressure vessel safety supervision and ma...
DL/T 1701-2017 隔离开关及接地开关状态评价导则
DL/T 1701-2017.Guide for condition evaluation of disconnector and earthing switch. 1范围 DL/T 1701规定了运...
GB 50311-2016 综合布线系统工程设计规范
GB 50311-2016.Code for engineering design of generic cabling system. 1总则 1.0.1 为了规范建筑与建筑群的语音、数据、图像及多...
DL/T 1709.4-2017 智能电网调度控制系统技术规范第4部分:实时监控与预警
DL/T 1709.4-2017.Smart grid dispatching and control system specification- Part 4: Realtime monitorin...
GB 50293-1999 城市电力规划规范
GB 50293-1999.Code for Urban Electric Power Planning. 1总则 1.0.1 为使城市规划中的电力规划(以下简称城市电力规)编制工作更好地贯彻执行国家...
DL/T 1709.5-2017 智能电网调度控制系统技术规范第5部分:调度计划
DL/T 1709.5-2017.Smart grid dispatching and control system specification Part 5: Scheduling. 1范围 DL/...