DL/T 1731-2017.Specification for non functional requirements for information systems in power indust...
DL/T 1729-2017 电力信息系统功能及非功能性测试规范
DL/T 1729-2017.Functional and nonfunctional test specification for power information system. 1范围 DL/...
DL/T 1717-2017 燃气-蒸汽联合循环发电厂化学监督技术导则
DL/T 1717-2017.Guideline of chemical supervision for combined cycle power plants. 1范围 DL/T 1717规定了燃气...
DL/T 1091-2018 火力发电厂锅炉炉膛安全监控系统技术规程
DL/T 1091-2018.Code of furnace safeguard supervisory system for thermal power plant. 1范围 DL/T 1091规定...
DL/T 1000.1-2018 标称电压高于1000V架空线路绝缘子使用导则第1部分:交流系统用瓷或玻璃绝缘子
DL/T 1000.1-2018.Application guide of insulators for overhead lines with a nominal voltage over 1000...
DL/T 583-2018 大中型水轮发电机静止整流励磁系统技术条件
DL/T 583-2018.Specification for static rectified excitation systems for large and medium hydro gener...
GB 50397-2007 冶金电气设备工程安装验收规范
GB 50397-2007.Code for acceptance of electrical construction installation in metallurgy. 1总则 1.0.1 为...
DL/T 567.3-2016 火力发电厂燃料试验方法 第3部分:飞灰和炉渣样品 的采取和制备
DL/T 567.3-2016.Test methods of fuel in thermal power plants Part 3: Sampling and preparation for fl...
DL/T 318-2017 输变电工程施工机具产品型号编制方法
DL/T 318-2017.The method of type compilation for construction machines and tools of power transmissi...
GB 50389-2006 750kV架空送电线路施工及验收规范
GB 50389-2006.Code for construction and acceptance 750kV overhead transmission line. 1总则 1.0.1 为确保架空...