DL/T 971-2005.Live working-portable phase comparators for use on voltage from 1kv to 35kv a.c. 1范围 D...
DL/T 970-2005 大型汽轮发电机非正常和特殊运行及维护导则
DL/T 970-2005.Guide for Abnormal and Special Operations and Maintenances of Large Turbo-Generators. ...
DL/T 969-2005 变电站运行导则
DL/T 969-2005.Guideline of Substation Operation. 1范围 DL/T 969规定了变电运行值班人员及相关专业人员进行设备运行、操作、异常及故障处理的行为准...
DL/T 968-2005 高压直流输电工程启动及竣工验收规程
DL/T 968-2005.Code of start-up & completion acceptance for HVDC transmission project. 1范围 DL/T 9...
DL/T 967-2005 回路电阻测试仪与直流电阻快速测试仪检定规程
DL/T 967-2005.Verification regulation of loop resistance tester and DC resistance high-speed tester....
DL/T 966-2005 送电线路带电作业技术导则
DL/T 966-2005.Technical guide for live working in transmission line. 1范围 DL/T 966规定了作业方式、最小安全距离和组合间隙...
GB 51134-2015 煤矿瓦斯发电工程设计规范
GB 51134-2015.Design code for coal mine gas power project. 1总则 1.0.1 为了在煤矿瓦斯发电工程设计中,贯彻国家的法律、法规和技术经济政...
DL/T 965-2005 热力设备检验机构基本能力要求
DL/T 965-2005.Essential criteria for the operation of bodies performing thermal eqwipments inspectio...
GB 51131-2016 燃气冷热电联供工程技术规范
GB 51131-2016.Technical code for gas-fired combined cooling,heating and power engineering. 1总则 1.0.1...
GB 51127-2015 印制电路板工厂设计规范
GB 51127-2015.Code for design of printed circuit board plant. 1总则 1.0.1 为在印制电路板工厂设计中贯彻执行国家的有关法律、法规和规...