GB/T 36291.2-2018.Regulation for safety facilities configuratin of electric power industry-Part 2: F...
GB/T 36291.1-2018 电力安全设施配置技术规范第1部分:变电站
GB/T 36291.1-2018.Regulation for safety facilities configuration of electric power industry-Part 1 :...
DL/T 980-2005 数字多用表检定规程
DL/T 980-2005.Verification regulation of digital multimeter. 1范围 DL/T 980规定了数字多用表的技术要求、检定条件、检定项目和检定方...
DL/T 979-2005 直流高压高阻箱检定规程
DL/T 979-2005.Verification regulation of high voltage D.C. resistance box. 1范围 DL/T 979规定了直流高压高阻箱(以下...
DL/T 978-2005 气体绝缘金属封闭输电线路技术条件
DL/T 978-2005.Specification for Gas-insulated metal-enclosed transmission line. 1范围 DL/T 978规定了额定电压7...
DL/T 977-2005 发电厂热力设备化学清洗单位管理规定
DL/T 977-2005. Managerial regulations for enterprise undertaking chemical cleaning of thermal equipm...
DL/T 976-2005 带电作业工具、装置和设备预防性试验规程
DL/T 976-2005.Preventive test code of tools, devices and equipment for live working. 1范围 DL/T 976规定了...
DL/T 975-2005 带电作业用防机械刺穿手套
DL/T 975-2005. Live working-Gloves and mitts with mechanical protection. 1范围 DL/T 975规定了带电作业用防机械刺穿绝缘...
GB/T 36284-2018 轨道交通站台门电气系统
GB/T 36284-2018.Railway applications-Eletrical system of platform edge door. 轨道交通 站台门电气系统 1范围 GB/T 3...
GB/T 36271.1-2018 交流1kV以上电力设施第1部分:通则
GB/T 36271.1-2018.Power insallations exceding 1 kV a.c.-Part 1: Common rules. 交流1kV以上电力设施 第1部分:通则 1范...