DL/T 994-2006.High voltage variable frequency drive used in draft fan and pump of power plant. 1范围 D...
DL/T 993-2006 电力系统失步解列装置通用技术条件
DL/T 993-2006.General specification for power system out-of-step separation equipment. 1范围 DL/T 993规...
DL/T 992-2006 冲击电压测量实施细则
DL/T 992-2006.Detailed implementation guide for Impulse voltage measurement. 1范围 DL/T 992给出了冲击电压分压系统...
GB/T 50065-2011 交流电气装置的接地设计规范
GB/T 50065-2011.Code for design of ac eletrical insalltations earthing. 1总则 1.0.1 为使交流电气装置的接地设计在电力系统...
DL/T 991-2006 电力设备金属光谱分析技术导则
DL/T 991-2006.Spectral analysis guideline of metal for electrical power equipment. 1范围 DL/T 991规定了使用...
GB/T 50294-2014 核电厂总平面及运输设计规范
GB/T 50294-2014.Design code for general plan and transportation of nuclear power plants. 1总则 1.0.1 为...
DL/T 990-2005 双吊点弧形闸门后拉式液压启闭机(液压缸)系列参数
DL/T 990-2005.Series parameters for of back pull hydraulic hoist (cylinder) mof radial gate of dual-...
GB/T 50200-2018 有线电视网络工程设计标准
GB/T 50200-2018.Standard for engineering design of cable television networks. 1总则 1.0.1 为规范有线广播电视网络系...
DL/T 989-2005 直流输电系统可靠性评价规程
DL/T 989-2005.Reliability evaluation code for DC power transmission system. 1范围 DL/T 989规定了直流输电系统可靠性...
DL/T 988-2005 高压交流架空送电线路、变电站工频电场和磁场测量方法
DL/T 988-2005.Methods of measurement of power frequency electric field and magnetic field from high ...