GB/T 51031-2014.Code for geotechnical investigation of fossil fuel power plant. 1总则 1.0.1 为贯彻执行国家有关技...
DL/T 1033.3-2014 电力行业词汇第3部分:发电厂、水力发电
DL/T 1033.3-2014.Electric power standard thesaurus Part 3: Power plant, hydroelectric power generati...
DL/ T 1032-2006 电气设备用六氟化硫气体取样方法
DL/ T 1032-2006.Sampling method of sulphur hexafluoride used by electrical equipment. 1范围 DL/ T 1032...
GB/T 50980-2014 电力调度通信中心工程设计规范
GB/T 50980-2014.Code for design of power dispatching and communication center. 1总则 1.0.1为了在电力调度通信中心工...
GB/T 50976-2014 继电保护及二次回路安装及验收规范
GB/T 50976-2014. Code for intallation and acceptance of proection equipment and secondary circuit in...
DL/T 1031-2006 运行中发电机用油质量标准
DL/T 1031-2006.Quality standard of generator oils in service. 1范围 DL/T 1031规定了发电机用油质量标准、常规检验项目、检验周期。...
DL/T 1030-2006 煤的工业分析自动仪器法
DL/T 1030-2006.Test methods for proximate analysis of coal by automatic instrumental procedures. 1范...
GB/T 50964-2014 小型水电站运行维护技术规范
GB/T 50964-2014.Code for operation and maintenance of small hydropower stations. 1总则 1.0.1 为加强小型水电站(...
DL/T 1028-2006 电能质量测试分析仪检定规程
DL/T 1028-2006.Verification code for power quality analyzer. 1范围 DL/T 1028规定了电能质量测试分析仪的技术要求及检定方法等。 D...
GB/T 50960-2014 小水电电网安全运行技术规范
GB/T 50960-2014.Technical code of safe operating for small hydropower grid. 1总则 1.0.1 为贯彻“安全第一、预防为主、...