T/CSAE 152-2020.Technical requirements of automotive audio video bridging (AVB). 1范围 T/CSAE 152规定了车载...
T/CSAE 115-2019 乘用车整车轻量化系数计算方法
T/CSAE 115-2019.Calculating method of vehicle lightweight index for passenger vehicle. 1范围 T/CSAE 11...
T/CSAE 111-2019 乘用车空气动力学性能术语
T/CSAE 111-2019.The terms and definition related to aerodynamics per formance for passenger car. 1范围...
T/CSAE 104-2019 汽车外饰涂层实验室氙弧灯老化试验方法
T/CSAE 104-2019.Laboratory xenon arc exposure test method of automotive exterior decoration coatings...
T/CSAE 84-2018 电动汽车火灾事故救援规程
T/CSAE 84-2018.Guide of fire fighting for electric vehicle. 1范围 T/CSAE 84规定了电动汽车火灾事故的救援规程。 T/CSAE 84...
T/CSAE 73-2018 特殊过程汽车零部件电镀生产系统评估规范
T/CSAE 73-2018.Special process: assessment criterion of plating system for automotive parts. 1范围 T/C...
T/CSAE 72-2018 汽车涂层耐紫外线穿透性能测试及评价方法
T/CSAE 72-2018.Test and evaluation method for uv penetration resistance of automotive coatings. 1范围 ...
T/CSAE 71-2018 汽车零部件及材料循环腐蚀试验方法
T/CSAE 71-2018.Cyclic corrosion test methods of automotive assemblies and materials. 1范围 T/CSAE 71规定...
T/CSAE 69-2018 乘用车整车强化腐蚀试验评价方法
T/CSAE 69-2018.Accelerate corrosion test acceptance criteria for passenger vehicle. 1范围 T/CSAE 69规定了...
T/CSAE 59-2017 汽车用轧制差厚板通用要求
T/CSAE 59-2017.Guide of Tailor Rolled Blank for A utomotive. 1范围 T/CSAE 59规定了轧制差厚板的术语、尺寸和外形、技术要求、检验方...