YY 0068.2-2008.Medical endoscopes-Rigid endoscope -Part 2:Mechanical properties and test methods. YY...
YY/T 0684-2008/ISO 10310: 1995 神经外科植入物植入式神经刺激器的标识和包装
YY/T 0684-2008/ISO 10310: 1995.Neurosurgical implants- Marking and packaging of implantable neural s...
YY/T 0687-2008 外科器械非切割铰接器械通用技术条件
YY/T 0687-2008.Surgical instruments- Non-cutting ,articulated instruments-General specifications. 当器...
YY 0053-2008 心血管植入物和人工器官血液透析器、血液透析滤过器、血液滤过器和血液浓缩器
YY 0053-2008.Cardiovascular implants and artificial organs-Haemodialysers , haemodiafilters , haemof...
YY 0675-2008 眼科仪器同视机
YY 0675-2008.Opthalmic instruments-Synoptophores. YY 0675规定了同视机(可称为大弱枧矫正镜或同视计)的最低要求和试验方法。同视机用于检查.测量、...
YY/T 1099-2007 医用X射线设备包装、运输和贮存
YY/T 1099-2007.Packaging, transportation and storage for medical X-ray equipment. YY/T 1099规定了医用X射线设...
YY 0678-2008 医用冷冻外科治疗设备性能和安全
YY 0678-2008.Standard performance and safety specification for cryosurgical medical instruments. YY ...
YY/T 1096-2007 温度生物反馈仪
YY/T 1096-2007.Temperature biofeedback equipment. YY/T 1096规定了温度生物反馈仪的分类、要求.试验方法、检验规则、标志包装.运输、贮存。 YY...
YY/T 1089-2007 单元式脉冲回波超声换能器的基本电声特性和测量方法
YY/T 1089-2007.Eleetroacoustic characteristics and measurement methods of single element pulse-echo ...
YY/T 1088-2007/IEC 61220: 1993 , 在0.5MHz至15MHz频率范围内采用水听器测量与表征医用超声设备声场特性的导则
YY/T 1088-2007/IEC 61220: 1993.Guidance for the measurement and characterization of ultrasonic field...