YD/T 1565-2010.Testing methods for 800MHz/2GHz cdma2000 digital cellular mobile communication networ...
YD/T 1092-2013 通信电缆 无线通信用 50Ω 泡沫聚烯烃绝缘皱纹铜管外导体射频同轴电缆
YD/T 1092-2013.Telecommunication cable Foamed polyolefin dielectric, outer conductor, 50 ohm radio f...
YD 5206-2014 宽带光纤接人工程设计规范
YD 5206-2014.Design Specification for Broadband Optical Fiber Access Engineering. 1总则 1.0.1YD 5206适用...
YD/T 1058-2015 通信用高频开关电源系统
YD/T 1058-2015.High frequency switch-mode power supply for communications. 1范围 YD/T 1058规定了通信用高频开关电源...
YD/T 839.3-2014 通信电缆光缆用填充和涂覆复合物 第3部分:缆膏
YD/T 839.3-2014.Filling compounds and flooding compounds for telecommunication cable and optical fib...
YD 5220-2015 内容分发网络工程技术规范
YD 5220-2015.Technical Specifications for Content Delivery Network Engineering. 1总则 1.0.1YD 5220适用于内...
YD/T 3152-2016 网络电子身份标识 eID 移动应用接口技术要求
YD/T 3152-2016.Technical Requirements for elD Mobile Application Interface. 1范围 YD/T 3152规范了eID应用于移动...
YD/T 3153-2016 Web 应用安全评估系统技术要求
YD/T 3153-2016.Technical requirements of Web application security assessment system. 1范围 YD/T 3153规定...
YD/T 3154-2016 网络电子身份标识 elD 验证服务接口测试方法
YD/T 3154-2016.Testing methods for elD verification service interface. 1范围 YD/T 3154规定了网络电子身份标识eID验证...
YD/T 3151-2016 网络电子身份标识 elD 桌面应用接口技术要求
YD/T 3151-2016.Technical requirements for elD personal computer application interface. 1范围 YD/T 3151...