TB/T 3015.7-2001.Technical specifications of measuring tools for measuring overall dimensions of rai...
TB/T 3009-2011 铁道客车及动车组防滑装置
TB/T 3009-2011.Anti-skid device for railway passenger car and powered car train-set. 1范围 TB/T 3009本标...
TB/T 2993.3-2000 铁路通信站用-48V高频开关整流设备
TB/T 2993.3-2000.Railway communication station -48V high frequency switching rectifier equipment. 1范...
TB/T 2977-2016 铁道车辆金属部件的接地保护
TB/T 2977-2016.Ground protection of the metal parts of railway vehicle. 1范围 TB/T 2977规定了铁道客车、动车组、货车金...
TB/T 2973-2006 列车尾部安全防护装置及附属设备
TB/T 2973-2006.End-of-train safety equipment and accessories. 1范围 TB/T 2973规定了列车尾部安全防护装置(以下简称列尾装置)及附...
TB/T 2967.2-2002 铁路旅客运输服务质量标准第2部分:列车
TB/T 2967.2-2002.Railway passenger transport service quality standards-Part 2: trains. 1范围 TB/T 2967...
TB/T 2966-1999 铁路运输设备分类与代码基本规定
TB/T 2966-1999.Basic provisions on classification and code of railway transport equipment. 1范围 TB/T ...
TB/T 2951.2-2018 铁路车辆制动机第2部分:货车空气控制阀
TB/T 2951.2-2018.Rolling stock brakes-Part 2: Control valve of freight car. 1范围 TB/T 2951.2规定了铁路货车空气...
TB/T 2951.1-2019 铁道车辆制动机第1部分:分配阀
TB/T 2951.1-2019.Rolling stock brake-Part 1: Distributing valve. 1范围 TB/T 2951.1规定了铁道车辆用分配阀的术语和定义,环境...
TB/T 2944-1999 铁道用碳素钢锻件
TB/T 2944-1999.Carbon steel forgings for railway. 1范围 TB/T 2944规定了A-H几个级别(附录A)的碳素钢锻件(车轴除外)的生产和检验要求。 ...