TB/T 2637-2008.Bogie frame,bolster and swing bolster for railway passenger coach. 1范围 TB/T 2637规定了铁道...
TB/T 2590-1995 机车电动放风阀技术条件
TB/T 2590-1995.Technical specification of electric vent valve for locomotive. 1主题内容与适用范围 TB/T 2590规定...
TB/T 2575-1995 碱性铜电刷镀溶液技术条件
TB/T 2575-1995.Technical conditions for alkaline copper brush plating solution. 1主题内容与适用范围 TB/T 2575...
TB/T 2544.3-1995 铁路内燃机车冷却水缓蚀剂快速分析法苯骈三氮唑的测定紫外分光光度法
TB/T 2544.3-1995.Railway locomotive cooling water corrosion inhibitor rapid analysis- determination ...
TB/T 2536-1995 内燃机车恒功率速度范围的试验方法
TB/T 2536-1995.Test method for constant power speed range of diesel locomotive. 1主题内容与适用范围 TB/T 2536...
TB/T 2460-2009 铁道车辆减速顶
TB/T 2460-2009.Railway car piston retarder. 1范围 TB/T 2460规定了铁道车辆减速顶(简称减速顶)的术语和定义、分类和型号技术要求、使用要求、试验方法...
TB/T 2456.1~20-93 车辆检具标准
TB/T 2456.1~20-93.Vehicle inspection fixture standard. TB/T 2456.1~20适用于按TB 32-76、TB 1159-76和TB 1661...
TB/T 2426-93 铁道车辆滚动轴承清洁度测量方法
TB/T 2426-93.Measuring method for cleanliness of rolling bearings of railway vehicles. 1主题内容 与适用范围 T...
TB/T 2418-93 水质中常用量与单位的名称和符号
TB/T 2418-93.Name and symbol of normal dosage and unit in water quality. 1主题内容和适用范围 1.1 TB/T 2418规定了...
TB/T 2417-93 铁路大桥供电技术条件
TB/T 2417-93.Technical conditions for power supply of railway bridge. 1主题内容与适 用范围 TB/T 2417规定了铁路大桥的电...