SN/T 0868-2017.Determination of steviosides in stevia leaf for export. 1范围 SN/T 0868规定了出口甜叶菊中总糖甙含量的测...
SN/T 4875-2017 来檬丛枝植原体检疫鉴定方法
SN/T 4875-2017.Detection and identification of Lime witches’broom phytoplasma. 1范围 SN/T 4875规定了来檬丛枝植...
SN/T 4874-2017 葡萄金黄化植原体检疫鉴定方法
SN/T 4874-2017.Detection and identification of Grapevine flavescence doree phytoplasma. 1范围 SN/T 487...
SN/T 4872-2017 苹果花象检疫鉴定方法
SN/T 4872-2017.Detection and identification of Anthonomus quadrigibbus Say, 1831. 1范围 SN/T 4872规定了植物...
SN/T 4870-2017 橘硬蓟马检疫鉴定方法
SN/T 4870-2017.Detection and identification of Scirtothrips citri ( Moulton ). 1范围 SN/T 4870规定了橘硬蓟马S...
SN/T 4868-2017 寡鬃实蝇(非中国种)检疫鉴定方法
SN/T 4868-2017.Detection and identification of Dacus spp. ( non-Chinese). 1范围 SN/T 4868规定了寡鬃实蝇(非中国种)...
SN/T 4866-2017 材小蠹属(非中国种)检疫鉴定方法
SN/T 4866-2017.Detection and identification of X yleborus spp ( non-Chinese). 1范围 SN/T 4866规定了材小蠹X y...
SN/T 4865-2017 大豆拟茎点种腐病菌检疫鉴定方法
SN/T 4865-2017.Detection and identification of Phomopsis longicolla Hobbs. 1范围 SN/T 4865规定了进出境大豆种子及其...
SN/T 4858-2017 国境口岸结核病监测质量控制规范
SN/T 4858-2017.Quality control specification of surveillance for tuberculosis at frontier port. 1范围 ...
SN/T 4857-2017 国境口岸肠出血性大肠埃希菌0104:H4检验方法
SN/T 4857-2017.Method for detection of EHEC O104:H4 at frontier port. 1范围 SN/T 4857规定了国境口岸检验的检测流程、样品...