SN/T 1057-2002.Rules for the inspection of spandex yarn dyed fabrics for export. 1范围 SN/T 1057规定了出口色...
SN/T 1054-2002 出口中成药检验规程
SN/T 1054-2002.Rule for the inspection of Chinese patent drug for export. 范围 SN/T 1054规定了出口中成药检验的抽样、...
SN/T 1051-2002 出口食醋检验鉴定规程
SN/T 1051-2002.Rule for the inspection and identification of vinegar for export. 1范围 SN/T 1051规定了出口食...
SN/T 1031.6-2012 出口粗氧化锑化学分析方法 第6部分:铅、铁含量的测定
SN/T 1031.6-2012.Chemical analysis of crude antimony trioxide for export-Part 6: Determination of le...
SN/T 0995-2001 出口节日装饰灯泡检验规程
SN/T 0995-2001.Rules for the inspection of festival decorative lamp for export. 1范围 SN/T 0995规定了出口节日...
SN/T 0989-2001 出口中成药中铜、铅、汞、砷含量检验方法原子吸收分光光度法
SN/T 0989-2001.Method for the determination of copper , lead , mercury and arsenic in traditional-pr...
SN/T 3083.1-2012 全球化学品统一分类和标签制度(GHS)第1部分:定义和缩略语
SN/T 3083.1-2012.Globally harmonized system of classification and lablling of chemicals(GHS) Part 1:...
SN/T 3082.2-2012 出口烟花爆竹产品检验规范 第2部分:旋转升空类
SN/T 3082.2-2012.Specifications for the inspection of export fireworks and firecracker-Part 2: Aeria...
SN/T 3057.2-2011 进出口烟花爆竹制品安全性能检验规范 第2部分:烟雾烟花
SN/T 3057.2-2011.Rules of safety performance test for the import and export fireworks and firecracke...
SN/T 3056.7-2011 烟花爆竹用化工原材料关键指标的测定 第7部分:硫酸铜
SN/T 3056.7-2011.Determination of essential parameters of chemical raw materials for use in firework...