SJ 20527/3-2001.Microwave assembly detail specification for model WFZ81 6A voltage controlled oscill...
SJ 20501-1995 敌我识别舰载询问应答机通用规范
SJ 20501-1995.General specification for IFF shipborne interrogator-responders. 1范围 1.1主题内容 SJ 20501规...
SJ 20507-1995 背负式超短波调频电台通用规范
SJ 20507-1995.Generic specification for manpack ultra-short wave FM radio. 1范围 1.1主要内容 SJ 20507规定了军用...
SJ 20521-1995 军用便携式计算机通用规范
SJ 20521-1995.General specification for military portable computer. 1范围 1.1 主题内容 SJ 20521规定了军用便携式计算机...
SJ 20522-1995 计算机远程成批服务测量指南
SJ 20522-1995.Guidelines for the measurement of remote batch computer service. 1范围 1.1主题内容 SJ 20522性...
SJ 20523-1995 软件文档管理指南
SJ 20523-1995.Guideline for software documentation management. 1范围 1.1主题内容 SJ 20523性技术文件规定了软件文档种类、质量...
SJ 20526-1995 微电路包装规范
SJ 20526-1995.Specfication for microcicuits packaging. 1范围 1.1主题内容 SJ 20526规定了各类军用微电路的防护、包装容器、标志要求及质...
SJ 20479/2-1996 HXF28-150型飞机滑行灯详细规范
SJ 20479/2-1996.Detail specification for type HXF28 - 150 aircraft taxiiog lamp. 1范围 1.1主题内容 SJ 2047...
SJ 20479/3-1996 HXF28-250型飞机滑行灯详细规范
SJ 20479/3-1996.Detail specification for type HXF28 - 250 aircraft taxiing lamp. 1范围 1.1主题内容 SJ 2047...
SJ 20479/4-1996 XMH61.2-42型飞机防撞灯详细规范
SJ 20479/4-1996.Detail specification for type XMH61.2-42 aircraft antiollision lamp. 1范围 1.1 主题内容 SJ...