SJ 50920/7-2005.Resistor network, fixed, film, style RN 1062,detail specification for. 1范围 SJ 50920/...
SJ 50920/6-2005 RN1052型膜固定电阻网络详细规范
SJ 50920/6-2005.Resistor network, fixed, film, style RN1052,detail specification for. 1范围 SJ 50920/6...
SJ 50920/5-2005 RN1042型膜固定电阻网络详细规范
SJ 50920/5-2005.Resistor network, fixed, film, style RN1042,detail specification for. 1范围 SJ 50920/5...
SJ 50920/2-2000 RN3161型膜固定电阻网络详细规范
SJ 50920/2-2000.Resistor metworks, fixed, film, style RN3161,detail specification for. SJ 50920/2所规定...
SJ 50809/1-2002 KW2型微动开关详细规范
SJ 50809/1-2002.Switches, sensitive, style KW2, detail specifcation for. SJ 50809/1所规定的KW2型微动开关的全部要求...
SJ/Z 11388-2009 电子信息产品环保使用期限通则
SJ/Z 11388-2009.General guidelines of environment-friendly use period of electronic informat ion pro...
SJ/T 30003-1993 电子计算机机房施工及验收规范
SJ/T 30003-1993.Construction and acceptance test code for electronic computer room. 一总则 1.0.1为了确保电子计...
SJ/T 11406-2009 体育场馆用LED显示屏规范
SJ/T 11406-2009.Specification of LED panels for stadium and gymnasium. 1范围 SJ/T 11406规定了体育场馆用LED显示屏的...
SJ 51420/2-1998 半导体集成电路F型陶瓷扁平外壳详细规范
SJ 51420/2-1998.Detail specification of type F ceramic FP for semiconductor integrated circuits. 1范围...
SJ 50920/8-2005 RN1072型膜固定电阻网络详细规范
SJ 50920/8-2005.Resistor network, fixed, film, style RN1072,detail specification for. 1范围 SJ 50920/8...