SJ 20545-1995.General specification for instrument landing system (ILS) glide slope facility erceive...
SJ 20534-1995 军用通信帽总规范
SJ 20534-1995.Communication caps, military,general specification for. 1范围 1.1 主题内容 SJ 20534规定了军用通信帽的...
SJ 20535-1995 无线双工移动通信系统中心台多路发射机通用规范
SJ 20535-1995.General specification of multichannal transmitters in the central station for radio du...
SJ 20536-1995 无线双工移动通信系统中心台多路接收机通用规范
SJ 20536-1995.General specification of multichannal receivers in the central station for radio duple...
SJ 20537-1995 履带式(含轮式)车载短波单边带电台通用规范
SJ 20537-1995.General specification for tracked and wheeled vehicles short wave single-sideband radi...
SJ 20539-1995 光纤化的飞机内部时分制指令/响应式多路传输数据总线
SJ 20539-1995.Fiber optics mechanization of an aircraft internal time division command/ response mul...
SJ 20527A-2003 微波组件通用规范
SJ 20527A-2003.General specification for microwave assembly. 1范围 SJ 20527A规定了军用微波组件(以下简称组件)的一股要求。组件的...
SJ 20528/1-1995 MYLJ1、MYLJ2、MYLJ3型防雷压敏电阻器详细规范
SJ 20528/1-1995.Detail specification for varistors for lightning arrestor for type MYLJ1、MYLJ2、MYLJ3...
SJ 20530-1995 变象管总规范
SJ 20530-1995.General specification for image converter tubes. 1范围 1.1主题内容 SJ 20530规定了军事部门所使用的变象管的一般...
SJ 20531-1995 气体激光器总规范
SJ 20531-1995.General specification for gas lasers. 1范围 1.1主题内容 SJ 20531规定了军事部门所使用的气体激光器的一般要求、质量保证规定...