SJ 20032-1992.Air dielectric tubular(piston type trimmer variable capacitors. 1范围 1.1主题内容 SJ 20032规定...
SJ 20028-1992 甚高频调频车载无线电台通用规范
SJ 20028-1992.General specification for VHF/FM vehicle radio. 1范围 1.1主题内容 SJ 20028规定了军用甚高频调频车载无线电台(以...
SJ 20027-1992 固体激光器总规范
SJ 20027-1992.General specification for solid-state lasers. 1范围 1.1主题内容 SJ 20027规定了各类军用固体激光器(以下简称激光器...
SJ 20027/1-1997 JYM200-1型固体脉冲激光器详细规范
SJ 20027/1-1997.Detail specification for type JYM200-1 solid-state pulse laser. SJ 20027/1规定的JYM200-...
SJ 20026-1992 金属氧化物半导体气敏元件测试方法
SJ 20026-1992.Measuring methods for gas sensors of metal. oxide semiconductor. 1范围 1.1主题内容 SJ 20026规...
SJ 20231-1993 国洋双栅场效应晶体管Yg测试仪检定规程
SJ 20231-1993.Verification regulation of KDK double gate FETY, tester. 1范围 1.1主题内容 SJ 20231规程规定了国洋双栅...
SJ 20230-1993 BJ2951A(JS-5A)型晶体三极管Hpr测试仪检定规程
SJ 20230-1993.Verification regulation of model BJ2951A(JS-5A) transistor Hp tester. 1范围 1.1 主题内容 SJ ...
SJ 20229-1993 SZ2型雷达示波器检定规程
SJ 20229-1993.Verification regulation of model SZ2 radar oscilloscopes. 1范围 1.1主题内容 SJ 20229规程规定了SZ2...
SJ 20228-1993 Gould 1421型数字存贮示波器检定规程
SJ 20228-1993.Verification regulation of model Gould 1421 storage osclilloscope. 1范围 1.1主题内容 SJ 2022...
SJ 20227-1993 QF3370型频率计数器检定规程
SJ 20227-1993.Verification regulation of model QF 3370 frequency counter. 1范围 1.1主题内容 SJ 20227规程规定了Q...