SJ/T 11667-2017.Specification for energy consumption of electron tube hydrogen furnace. 1范围 SJ/T 116...
SJ 20579-1996 通信对抗全景显示接收机通用规范
SJ 20579-1996.General specification of panoramic display receivers used for communication EW. 1范围 1....
SJ 20580-1996 通信系统电性能测量方法
SJ 20580-1996.Methods for communication system electrical performance measurement. 1范围 1.1主题内容 SJ 20...
SJ 20581-1996 舰载对海搜索雷达通用规范
SJ 20581-1996.General specification for sea search shipborne radars. 1范围 1.1主题內容 SJ 20581规定了舰载对海搜索雷达...
SJ 20582-1996 舰载对海搜索雷达战术性能试验方法
SJ 20582-1996.Testing methods for tactic performance of sea search shipborne radars. 1范围 1.1主题内容 SJ ...
SJ 20583-1996 宽带天线通用规范
SJ 20583-1996.General specification for broadband antennas. 1范围 1.1主题内容 SJ 20583规定了宽带天线(以下简称天线)的通用要求...
SJ 20574-1996 仪表着陆系统(ILS)指点信标通用规范
SJ 20574-1996.General specification for instrument landing system (ILS) marker beacon. 1范围 1.1主题内容 S...
SJ 20575-1996 舰船扩声设备通用规范
SJ 20575-1996.General specification for annoucing equipment on shipboard. 1范围 1.1主题内容 SJ 20575规定了海军舰...
SJ 20576-1996 舰船扩声系统电源通用规范
SJ 20576-1996.General specification for power supplies of annoucing system on shipboard. 1范围 1.1主题内容...
SJ 20577-1996 通信对抗分析接收机通用规范
SJ 20577-1996.General specification of analysis receivers used for communication EW. 1范围 1.1主题内容 SJ ...