SJ 20342-1993.Waveguide assemblies ,Flexible ,Nontwistable ,Class 2,Detail specification for. 本规范所规定...
SJ/T 11659-2017 城轨列车运行状态智能监测系统技术规范
SJ/T 11659-2017.Intelligent monitoring system specification for operating urban rail trains. 1范围 SJ/...
SJ/T 11653-2016 电子收款机通用规范
SJ/T 11653-2016.General specification for electronic cash register. 1范围 SJ/T 11653规定了电子收款机的要求、试验方法、质...
SJ/T 11646-2016 裸眼立体电视图像质量测试方法
SJ/T 11646-2016.Method of measurement for the image quality of autostereoscopic 3DTV. 1范围 SJ/T 11646...
SJ/T 11645-2016 裸眼立体电视通用技术要求
SJ/T 11645-2016.General technical requirement for autostereoscopic television. 1范围 SJ/T 11645规定了无需佩戴...
SJ/T 11644-2016 激光微投影机通用规范
SJ/T 11644-2016.General specification for laser micro-projector. 1范围 SJ/T 11644规定了激光微投影机(以下简称微投影机)的技...
SJ/T 11666.4-2016 制造执行系统(MES)规范 第4部分:接口与信息交换
SJ/T 11666.4-2016.Specification of manufacturing execution systems (MES)-Part 4: Interface and infor...
SJ/T 11666.3-2016 制造执行系统(MES)规范 第3部分:功能构件
SJ/T 11666.3-2016.Specification of manufacturing execution systems (MES)-Part 3: Functional componen...
SJ/T 11666.1-2016 制造执行系统(MES)规范 第1部分:模型和术语
SJ/T 11666.1-2016.Specifications of manufacturing execution systems (MES)-Part 1: Models and termino...
SJ/T 11661-2016 机场围界传感器网络防入侵系统技术要求
SJ/T 11661-2016.General specification of perimeter intrusion detection sensor network system. 1范围 SJ...