SJ/T 11721-2018.High performance computer-Blade server-Compute blade technical requiremeat for firmw...
SJ/T 11720-2018 高性能计算机 刀片式服务器 计算刀片机械技术要求
SJ/T 11720-2018.High performance computer-Blade server-Compute blade technical requirement for mecha...
SJ/T 11719-2018 高性能计算机 刀片式服务器 计算刀片电气技术要求
SJ/T 11719-2018.High performance computer - Blade server - Electrical technical requirement for comp...
SJ/T 11718-2018 产品碳足迹产品种类规则液晶电视机
SJ/T 11718-2018.Carbon footprint of products - Product category rule - LCD television. 1范围 SJ/T 1171...
SJ/T 11717-2018 产品碳足迹产品种类规则液晶显示器
SJ/T 11717-2018.Carbon footprint of products - Product category rule - LCD monitor. 1范围 SJ/T 11717规定...
SJ/T 11726-2018 品牌培育管理体系实施指南电子信息行业
SJ/T 11726-2018.Implementation guidance for brand cultivating management systems-Electronics and inf...
SJ/T 11725-2018 印制电路用导热型覆铜箔环氧复合基层压板
SJ/T 11725-2018.Thermal conduction epoxy composites material copper-clad laminated sheets for printe...
SJ/T 11724-2018 锂原电池用电解液
SJ/T 11724-2018.Elctrolyte solution used for lithium primary battery. 1范围 SJ/T 11724规定了锂原电池用电解液的要求、试...
SJ/T 11723-2018 锂离子电池用电解液
SJ/T 11723-2018.Electrolyte solution used for lithium ion battery. 1范围 SJ/T 11723规定了锂离子电池用电解液的要求、试验方...
SJ/T 11722-2018 光伏组件用背板
SJ/T 11722-2018.Backsheet used for photovoltaic (PV) modules. 1范围 SJ/T 11722规定了光伏组件用背板(以下简称背板)的要求、试验...