SJ/T 11687-2017.General technical requirement for transparent liquid crystal display terminals. 1范围 ...
SJ/T 11686-2017 透明液晶显示终端测试方法
SJ/T 11686-2017.Measuring methods for transparent liquid crystal display terminals. 1范围 SJ/T 11686规定...
SJ/T 11673.3-2017 信息技术服务外包 第3部分:交付中心规范
SJ/T 11673.3-2017.Information technology service-Outsourcing-Part 3: Specifications of delivery cent...
SJ/T 11666.14-2016 制造执行系统(MES)规范 第14部分:橡胶制品行业制造执行系统软件功能
SJ/T 11666.14-2016.Specification of manufacturing execution systems (MES)-Part 14: Software function...
SJ/T 11666.12-2016 制造执行系统(MES)规范 第12部分:造船行业制造执行系统软件功能
SJ/T 11666.12-2016.Specifications of manufacturing execution system (MES)-Part 12: Software function...
SJ/T 11693.1-2017 信息技术服务服务管理 第1部分:通用要求
SJ/T 11693.1-2017.Information technology service-Service management-Part1:General requirements. 1范围 ...
SJ/T 11692-2017 电子电气产品限用物质检测样品拆分指南
SJ/T 11692-2017.Guideline of sample disjointment for testing certain restricted substances in electr...
SJ/T 11691-2017 信息技术服务 服务级别协议指南
SJ/T 11691-2017.Information technology service-The guide of Service Level Agreement. 前言 本标准按照GB/T 1....
SJ/T 11690-2017 软件运营服务能力通用要求
SJ/T 11690-2017.General Ability Requirements of Software as a Service Operation. 1范围 SJ/T 11690为软件运营...
SJ/T 11689-2017 音频编码质量主观测试规范
SJ/T 11689-2017.Specification for subjective test of audio coding quality. 1范围 SJ/T 11689规定了通用的音频编码质...