QB/T 5601-2021.Oral care and cleansing products- Determination of the antibacterial activity of enzy...
QB/T 5593-2021 挤塑聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料中残留发泡剂的测定
QB/T 5593-2021.Determination of retained blowing agent in extruded polystyrene foam. QB/T 5593描述了挤塑聚...
QB/T 5594-2021 化妆品中凝血酸(氨甲环酸)的测定高效液相色谱法
QB/T 5594-2021.Determination of tranexamic acid in cosmetics-High performance liquid chromatography....
QB/T 5600-2021 口腔清洁护理用品牙膏中甜菊糖苷的测定高效液相色谱法
QB/T 5600-2021.Oral care and cleansing products- Determination of steviosides in toothpastes一High pe...
QB/T 5602-2021 口腔清洁护理用品牙膏中表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯的测定高效液相色谱法
QB/T 5602-2021.Oral care and cleansing products- Determination of epigallocatechin gallate in toothp...
QB/T 5613-2021 不锈钢真空烤瓷保温杯
QB/T 5613-2021.Stainless steel baked porcelain vacuum flask. 1范围 QB/T 5613规定了不锈钢真空烤瓷保温杯的术语和定义、要求、试验方...
QB/T 5589-2021 实验室家具通风柜
QB/T 5589-2021.Laboratory furniture一Fume hood. 1范围 QB/T 5589规定了实验室通风柜的术语和定义、分类、要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、使用说明、...
QB/T 2929-2021 溶剂型油墨溶剂残留量的限量及测定方法
QB/T 2929-2021.Limits and determination method of residual solvent in solvent based printing ink. 6....
QB∕T 5258-2018 塑料压线帽
标准号:QB∕T 5258-2018 标准名称:塑料压线帽 英文名称:Wire connetcors 标准格式:PDF 发布时间:2018-05-08 实施时间:2018-09-01 标准大小:3.8...
QB/T 5456-2019 梨汁及梨汁饮料
标准号:QB/T 5456-2019 标准名称:梨汁及梨汁饮料 英文名称:Pear juice and pear juice beverage 标准格式:PDF 发布时间:2019-12-24 实施时...