DL/T 5528-2017.Guidelines for working drawing estimate settlement auditing of transmission and trans...
DL/T 680-2015 电力行业耐磨管道技术条件
DL/T 680-2015.Specification for electric power industry wear-resistant pipes. 1范围 DL/T 680规定了电力行业耐磨管...
DL/T 732-2000 电能表测量用光电采样器
DL/T 732-2000.Optical-electrical/acquisition used in electrical energy meter calibrating. 1范围 DL/T 7...
DL/T 726-2000 电力用电压互感器订货技术条件
DL/T 726-2000.Specification of voltage transformer for electrical power for order. 1范围 DL/T 726规定了电力...
DL/T 703-2015 绝缘油中含气量的气相色谱测定法
DL/T 703-2015.Determination of dissolved gas content in insulating oil by gas chromatograpby. 1范围 DL...
DL/T 487-2000 330kV及500kV交流架空送电线路绝缘子串的分布电压
DL/T 487-2000.The distribution voltage along insulator string on A.C. overhead transmission line wit...
DL/T 727-2000 互感器运行检修导则
DL/T 727-2000.Guideline of operation and maintenance for current and voltage transformers. 1范围 本导则规定...
DL/T 486-2000 交流高压隔离开关和接地开关订货技术条件
DL/T 486-2000.Specifications for HV AC disconnectors and earthing switches. 1范围 本标准适用于额定电压3. 6kV~ 55...
DL/T 715-2000 火力发电厂金属材料选用导则
DL/T 715-2000.Selection guidelines for the metallic material of fossilfired power plants. 1范围 本标准规定了...
DL/T 730-2000 进口水轮发电机(发电/电动机)设备技术规范
DL/T 730-2000.Specifications for imported equipments of hydro-generators and Generator-motors. 1范围 本...