DL/T1059-2007.Heat shrinkable tube for bus-bars of electrical equi pment. 1范围 DL/T1059规定了额定电压35kV及以下...
DL / T 1058-2007 交流架空线路用复合相间间隔棒技术条件
DL / T 1058-2007.Technical specification of composite Insulators spacer between phase for a. c. over...
DL/T 1057-2007 自动跟踪补偿消弧线圈成套装置技术条件
DL/T 1057-2007.Specification of arc suppressing coil apparatus with automatic tracking and compensat...
DL/T 1056-2007 发电厂热工仪表及控制系统技术监督导则
DL/T 1056-2007.Technical supervision guide for instrument and control system in power plant. 1范围 DL/...
DL/T 1055-2007 发电厂汽轮机、水轮机技术监督导则
DL/T 1055-2007.Technical supervision guide for turbine in power plant. 1范围 DL/T 1055规定了火力发电厂(以下简称“火电...
DL/T 1054-2007 高压电气设备绝缘技术监督规程
DL/T 1054-2007.Technical supervision code for the insulation of high voltage electric equipment. 1范围...
DL/T 1053-2007 电能质量技术监督规程
DL/T 1053-2007.Technical supervision code for quality of electric energy. 1范围 DL/T 1053规定了公用电网电能质量技术...
DL/T 1052-2016 电力节能技术监督导则
DL/T 1052-2016.Guide of energy conservation technology supervision for electric power. 1范围 DL/T 1052...
DL/T 1051-2007 电力技术监督导则
DL/T 1051-2007.Guide for technology supervision in electrical power system. 1范围 DL/T 1051规定了电力技术监督的原...
DL/T 1050-2016 电力环境保护技术监督导则
DL/T 1050-2016.Technology supervision guide for environment protection in electric power system. 1范围...