DL/T 1123-2009.Configuration for work safety device of fossil fuel power enterprise. 1范围 DL/T 1123规定...
DL/T 1122-2009 架空输电线路外绝缘配置技术导则
DL/T 1122-2009.Technical guide of insulation coordination selection for overhead transmission line. ...
DL/T 1121-2009 燃煤电厂锅炉烟气袋式除尘工程技术规范
DL/T 1121-2009.The engineering criteria of bag filter system for coal-fired power plants. 1范围 DL/T 1...
DL/T 1120-2009 水轮机调节系统自动测试及实时仿真装置技术条件
DL/T 1120-2009.Specification of autotest and real-time simulation to for hydraulic turbine governor....
DL/T 1118-2009 核电厂常规岛焊接技术规程
DL/T 1118-2009.The code of welding for conventional island of nuclear power plant. 1范围 DL/T 1118规定了核...
DL/T 1117-2009 核电厂常规岛焊接工艺评定规程
DL/T 1117-2009.The specification of welding procedure qualification for Conventional Island of nucle...
DL/T 1116-2009 循环冷却水用杀菌剂性能评价
DL/T 1116-2009.Standard test method for efficacy of microbicides used in cooling water system. 1范围 D...
DL/T 1115-2009 火力发电厂机组大修化学检查导则
DL/T 1115-2009.Guide for chemistry check-up of unit maintenance in fossil fuel power plant. 1.范围 DL/...
DL/T 1113-2009 火力发电厂管道支吊架验收规程
DL/T 1113-2009.The inspection code of pipe hangers and supports for power plants. 1范围 DL/T 1113规定了管道...
DL/ T 1112-2009 交、直流仪表检验装置检定规程
DL/ T 1112-2009.Verification code of verification equipment for AC&DC meter. 1范围 DL/ T 1112规定了交、...