DL/T 1214-2013.Maintenance and repair specification for 9FA gas turbine and steam turbine combined c...
DL/T 1274-2013 1000kV串联电容器补偿装置技术规范
DL/T 1274-2013.Technical specifcation of series capacitor installation for 1000kV system. 1范围 DL/T 1...
DL/T 1213-2013 火力发电机组辅机故障减负荷技术规程
DL/T 1213-2013.Technical code for run back in fossil fuel power plant. 1范围 DL/T 1213规定了煤粉锅炉火力发电机组辅机故...
DL/T 1211-2013 火力发电厂磨煤机检测与控制技术规程
DL/T 1211-2013.Technical code of instrumentation & control of mill in thermal power plant. 1范围 D...
DL/T 1210-2013 火力发电厂自动发电控制性能测试验收规程
DL/T 1210-2013.Code for performance test and acceptance of automatic generation control in fossil fu...
DL/T 1209.1-2013 变电站登高作业及防护器材技术要求 第1部分:抱杆梯、梯具、梯台及过桥
DL/T 1209.1-2013.Specifications for substation ascending operation and protective device Part 1: ho...
DL/T 1273-2013光电式(CCD)双金属管标仪
DL/T 1273-2013.Photoelectric type (CCD) Remote Reading Bimetal Benchmark Station. 1范围 DL/T 1273规定了光电...
DL/T 1272-2013 多点变位计装置
DL/T 1272-2013.Multi-point extensometer equipment. 1范围 DL/T 1272规定了多点变你计装党的产品规格。技术要求,检验要求和标志、包装、运输、贮...
DL/T 1208-2013 电能质量评估技术导则供电电压偏差
DL/T 1208-2013.Technical guide for power quality assessment一Deviation of supply voltage. 1范围 DL/T 12...
DL/T 1205-2013 六氟化硫电气设备分解产物试验方法
DL/T 1205-2013.Detection method of decomposition products in sulfur hexafluoride electrical equipmen...