DL/T 1238-2013.Electrostatic shielding clothing for 1000kV AC system. 1范围 DL/T 1238规定了1000kV交流系统用静电防...
DL/T 1280-2013 低温多效蒸馏海水淡化装置调试技术规定
DL/T 1280-2013.Technical speeifcation for commissioning of low temperaturemultiple effect distillati...
DL/T 1237-2013 1000kV继电保护及电网安全自动装置检验规程
DL/T 1237-2013.Testing regulations on AC 1000kV protection and security automatic equipments. 1范围 DL...
DL/T 1234-2013 电力系统安全稳定计算技术规范
DL/T 1234-2013.Technique specification of power system security and stability calculation. 1范围 DL/T ...
DL/T 1233-2013 电力系统简单服务接口规范
DL/T 1233-2013.Simple service interface specification for power system. 1范围 DL/T 1233规定了用于电力系统的简单服务接...
DL/T 1232-2013 电力系统动态消息编码规范
DL/T 1232-2013.Coding specification of dynamic message for electric power system. 1范围 DL/T 1232规定了应用...
DL/T 1230-2016 电力系统图形描述规范
DL/T 1230-2016.Graphic description specification for electric power system. 1范围 DL/T 1230定义了一种基于CIM的...
DL/T 1279-2013 110kV及以下海底电力电缆线路验收规范
DL/T 1279-2013.Specification of acceptance for submarine power cable line at a rated voltage up to 1...
DL/T 1229-2013 动态电压恢复器技术规范
DL/T 1229-2013.Technical specification for dynamic voltage restorer. 1范围 DL/T 1229规定了动态电压恢复器(简称装置)的术...
DL/T 1228-2013 电能质量监测装置运行规程
DL/T 1228-2013.Code of operation for power quality monitoring device. 1范围 DL/T 1228规定了电能质量监测装置的安装、投运...