AQ/T 4269-2015.Specification of occupational hazards monitoring in the workplace. 1范围 AQ/T 4269规定了工作...
DL/T 1392-2014 直流电源系统绝缘监测装置技术条件
DL/T 1392-2014.Technical specification of insulation monitoring devices for DC power system. 1范围 DL/...
AQ/T 4268-2015 工作场所空气中粉尘浓度快速检测方法-光散射法
AQ/T 4268-2015.Method of rapid determination of dust concentration in the air of workplace- -Light s...
AQ/T 4258-2015 玻璃生产企业职业病危害防治技术规范
AQ/T 4258-2015.Technical specification for prevention and control of occupational hazards in glass p...
AQ /T 4240-2014铁矿采选业职业健康管理技术规范
AQ/T 4240-2014.Technical specification on occupat ional hea Ith management for iron ore mining and d...
AQ 4220-2012 石材加工工艺防尘技术规范
AQ 4220-2012.Technical code of dust control for stone pocessing. 1范围 AQ 4220规定了石材加工工艺的防尘技术措施和管理要求。 A...
AQ 4221-2012 粮食加工防尘防毒技术规范
AQ 4221-2012.Technical code of dust and poison control for grain processing. 1范围 AQ 4221规定了粮食加工企业防尘防...
AQ 4121-2012 礼花弹生产安全条件
AQ 4121-2012 .The safe conditions for aerial shell production. 1范围 AQ 4121规定了礼花弹生产企业的规划与选址、总平面与工艺布置、...
DL/T 1391-2014 数字式自动电压调节器涉网性能检测导则
DL/T 1391-2014.Test guidelines of digital automatic voltage regulator performance related to power g...
AQ 2046-2012 石油行业安全生产标准化工程建设施工实施规范
AQ 2046-2012.Standardization for work safety of petroleum industries conduction rule of engineering ...