DL/T 1408-2015.Technical specifications for oil-SF6 bushings of 1000kV AC system. 1范围 DL/T 1408规定了10...
AQ 4223-2012 自来水生产供应企业防尘防毒技术规范
AQ 4223-2012 Technical code of dust and poison control for water production and supply enterprises. ...
DL/T 1407-2015 低压电力线载波通信设备通用技术条件
DL/T 1407-2015.General technical requirements of low voltage power line carrier communication facili...
AQ 4222-2012 酒类生产企业防尘防毒技术规范
AQ 4222-2012.Technical requirement of dust and poison control for wine production enterprises. 1范围 A...
DL/T 1406-2015 配电自动化技术导则
DL/T 1406-2015.Technical guide of distribution automation. 1范围 DL/T 1406规定了配电自动化的主要技术原则。 DL/T 1406适用...
DL/T 1405.1-2015 智能变电站的同步相量测量装置 第1部分:通信接口规范
DL/T 1405.1-2015.Synchrophasor measurement unit for smart substation Part 1: Communication interface...
AQ 3047-2013 化学品作业场所安全警示标志规范
AQ 3047-2013.The rule of precautionary label for chemicals in workplace. 1范围 AQ 3047规定了化学品作业场所安全警示标志...
DL/T 1404-2015 变电站监控系统防止电气误操作技术规范
DL/T 1404-2015.Technical specification for preventing electric mal-operation in substation monitorin...
AQ 1071-2009 煤矿用非金属瓦斯输送管材安全技术要求
AQ 1071-2009.Safety technical requirements of gas drainage pipes for coal mine. 1范围 AQ 1071规定了煤矿用非金属...
DL/T 1403-2015 智能变电站监控系统技术规范
DL/T 1403-2015.Technical specifications for smart substation monitoring and control system. 1范围 DL/T...