DL/T 1451-2015.Technical guide for in situ eddy-current testing of nonferromagnetic condenser tubes....
AQ/T 3052-2015 危险化学品事故应急救援指挥导则
AQ/T 3052-2015.Guide for command of emergency rescue in hazardous chemical accidents. 1范围 AQ/T 3052规...
DL/T 1450-2015 电力行业统计数据接口规范
DL/T 1450-2015.Data interface specification of electric power industry statistics. 1范围 DL/T 1450规定了电...
AQ/T 3050-2013 加油加气站视频安防监控系统技术要求
AQ/T 3050-2013.Technical requirements for video survilance system of automobile gasoline and gas fll...
DL/T 1449-2015 电力行业统计编码规范
DL/T 1449-2015.Coding standard of electric power industry statistic. 1范围 DL/T 1449规定了对电力行业统计工作开展过程中涉...
AQ/T 3049-2013 危险与可操作性分析(HAZOP分析)应用导则
AQ/T 3049-2013.Hazard and operability studies ( HAZOP studies)-Application guide(IEC 61882 :2001, MO...
DL/T 1448-2015 发电工程混凝土试验规程
DL/T 1448-2015.Test code for power project concrete. 1范围 DL/T 1448适用于发电工程混凝土试验。水工混凝土试验按DL/T 5150《水工混...
DL/T 1447-2015 燃煤电厂电袋复合除尘器运行维护导则
DL/T 1447-2015.Guide for operation and maintenance of electrostatic-fabric integrated precipitator f...
DL/T 1446-2015 煤粉气流着火温度的测定方法
DL/T 1446-2015.Measurement of ignition temperature of pulverized coal-air flow. 1范围 DL/T 1446规定了在试验条...
DL/T 1445-2015 电站煤粉锅炉燃煤掺烧技术导则
DL/T 1445-2015.Technical guidelines of burning blended coal in pulverized coal fired power plant boi...