AQ/T 8010-2013.Guidelines for effect- assessment for control of occupational hazardin construction p...
AQ/T 8009-2013 建设项目职业病危害预评价导则
AQ/T 8009-2013.Guidelines for pre: -assessment of occupational hazard in construction project. 1范圈 A...
AQ/T 8008-2013 职业病危害评价通则
AQ/T 8008-2013.General principles for assessment of occupational hazards. 1范圈 AQ/T 8008规定了职业病危害评价的类别...
AQ/T 7006-2012 白酒企业安全管理规范
AQ/T 7006-2012.Work safety management specification for Chinese spirits enterprises. 1范围 AQ/T 7006规定...
AQ/T 4257-2015 宝石加工企业职业病危害防治技术规范
AQ/T 4257-2015.Technical Specifications of Occupational Disease Prevention for Gem Processing Enterp...
AQ /T 4239-2014轧钢企业职业健康管理技术规范
AQ /T 4239-2014.Technical specificat ion on occupati ona | hea Ith management for the steel rol ling...
AQ 1044-2007 代替 MT/T 698-1997 矿井密闭防灭火技术规范
AQ 1044-2007.Technical standard of preyention and extinguish of mine fire by air stopping. 1范围 AQ 10...
AQ 5210-2011 建筑涂装安全通则
AQ 5210-2011.General safety code for building surface coating application. 1范围 AQ 5210规定了建筑涂装作业安全的基本...
AQ 2022-2008 金属非金属矿山在用提升绞车安全检测检验规范
AQ 2022-2008.Sfety inspecting testing specification of in -service hoisting winderfor metal and nonm...
AQ 4217-2012 代替 LD 62-1994 粉尘采样器技术条件
AQ 4217-2012.Technical requirements for dust sampler. 1 范围 AQ 4217规定了粉尘采样器的的技术要求、试验方法、标志、包装、运输和贮存等。 ...