AQ 1070-2008.Work safety training outline and examination requirements for safety manager in coal mi...
AQ 1069-2008 煤矿主要负责人安全生产培训大纲及考核标准
AQ 1069-2008.Work safety training outline and examination requirements for superintendent in coal mi...
AQ 1062-2008 煤矿井下电钳工安全技术培训大纲及考核标准
AQ 1062-2008.Training outline and examination requirements of safety technology for underground elec...
AQ 1061-2008 采煤机司机安全技术培训大纲及考核标准
AQ 1061-2008.Training outline and examination requirements of safety technology for shearer operator...
AQ 1060-2008 煤矿井下爆破工安全技术培训大纲及考核标准
AQ 1060-2008.Training outline and examination requirements of safety technology for underground blas...
AQ 1059-2008 煤矿安全检查工安全技术培训大纲及考核标准
AQ 1059-2008.Training outline and examination requirements of safety technology for safety inspector...
AQ 1058-2008 煤矿瓦斯检查工安全技术培训大纲及考核标准
AQ 1058-2008.Training outline and examination requirements of safety technology for gas man in coal ...
AQ 1057-2008 化学氧自救器初期生氧器
AQ 1057-2008.The starter of chemical oxygen self-rescuer. 1范围 AQ 1057规定了化学氧自敕器初期生氧器的术语和定义、分类、技术要求、试验...
AQ /T 9008-2012 安全生产应急管理人员培训及考核规范
AQ /T 9008-2012.Training syllabus and examination specification for work safety emergency management...
AQ/T 9005-2008 企业安全文化建设评价准则
AQ/T 9005-2008.Assessment standards of enterprise safety culture developing. 1范围 AQ/T 9005适用于中国境内所有类...