AQ 5212-2011.Test requirements and methods for safety performance of ventilation and purification eq...
AQ 5211-2011 电弧热喷涂设备安全技术条件
AQ 5211-2011.Safety technical condition for arc thermal spraying equipment. 1范围 AQ 5211规定了电弧热喷涂设备设计、...
AQ 4215-2011 代替LD 35-92 制革职业安全卫生规程
AQ 4215-2011.Occupational safety and health regulation for the leather manufacture. 1范围 AQ 4215规定了制革...
AQ 4205-2008 代替 LD 38-1992 矿山个体呼吸性粉尘测定方法
AQ 4205-2008.Determination of personal respirable dust in mine. 1范围 AQ 4205规定了矿山个体呼吸性粉尘的测定方法。 AQ 420...
AQ 4204-2008 代替 LD 40-1992 呼吸性粉尘个体采样器
AQ 4204-2008.Personal sampler for respirable dust. 1范围 AQ 4204规定了呼吸性粉尘个体采样器的术语、技术要求、试验方法、检验规则、标识、包装和...
AQ 3010-2007 加油站作业安全规范
AQ 3010-2007.Safety code for operation at automabile gasoline flling stations. 1范围 AQ 3010规定了在加油站内进行...
AQ 3006-2007 危险化学品汽车运输安全监控车载终端安装规范
AQ 3006-2007.Installation of telematics control unit for monitoring safety of on-road vehicle transp...
AQ 2031-2011 金属非金属地下矿山监测监控系统建设规范.
AQ 2031-2011.Regulations for the construction of monitoring and supervision system in metal and nonm...
AQ/T 6108-2008 安全鞋、防护鞋和职业鞋的选择、使用和维护
AQ/T 6108-2008.Selection, use , and maintenance of safety,proteetive and occupational footwear(ISO/T...
AQ/T 9004-2008 企业安全文化建设导则
AQ/T 9004-2008.Directives for developing enterprise safety culture. 1范围 AQ/T 9004适用于开展安全文化建设工作的各类企业,...