AQ/T 3029-2010.Safety training sylabus and examination specification for principals in hazardous che...
AQ/T 3017-2008 合成氨生产企业安全标准化实施指南
AQ/T 3017-2008.Guidelines for safety standardization of ammonia enterprise. 1适用范围 AQ/T 3017规定了合成氨生产企...
AQ/T 3012-2008 石油化工企业安全管理体系实施导则
AQ/T 3012-2008.Guideline of safety management system implementation for petrochemical corporation. 1...
AQ/T 1093-2011煤矿安全风险预控管理体系 规范
AQ/T 1093-2011.Risk precontrol management system of safety in coal mine-Specification. 1范围 AQ/T 1093...
AQ/T 1084-2011 煤矿灾变环境混合气体测试方法与爆炸危险性判定规则
AQ/T 1084-2011.Testing method and judgment standard of explosion hazard for mixed gases in coal mine...
AQ/T 1068-2008 煤自燃倾向性的氧化动力学测定方法
AQ/T 1068-2008.The test method of oxidation kinetics for the propensity of coal to spontaneous combu...
AQ/T 1065-2008 钻屑瓦斯解吸指标测定方法
AQ/T 1065-2008.Determination method of gas desorption index by drill cuttings. 1范围 AQ/T 1065规定了钻屑瓦斯解...
AQ/T 1047-2007 代替 MT/T 638- 1996 煤矿井下煤层瓦斯压力的直接测定方法
AQ/T 1047-2007.The direct measuring method of the coal seam gas pressure in mine. 1范围 AQ/T 1047规定了煤矿...
AQ/T 4118-2011 烟花爆竹烟火药猛度测定方法
AQ/T 4118-2011.Fireworks and firecrackers- brisance test method for pyrotechnics. 1范围 AQ/T 4118规定了烟花...
AQ/T 4117-2011 烟花爆竹烟火药作功能力测定方法
AQ/T 4117-2011.Fireworks and firecrackers- strength test method for pyrotechnics. 1范围 AQ/T 4117规定了烟花...