AQ 3041-2011.Code of practice on safety in aerosol manufacturing. 1范围 AQ 3041规定了气雾剂生产企业的基本要求、作业安全和安全...
AQ 3009-2007 危险场所电气防爆安全规范
AQ 3009-2007.Safety criterion for electrical apparatus in hazardous areas. 1范围 AQ 3009规定了爆炸性气体或可燃性粉尘...
AQ 2036-2011 金属非金属地下矿山通信联络系统建设规范
AQ 2036-2011.Regulations for construction of communications systerm in metal and nonmetal undergroun...
AQ 2035-2011 金属非金属地下矿山供水施救系统建设规范
AQ 2035-2011.Regulations for the construction of water rescue system in metal and nonmetal undergrou...
AQ 2034-2011 金属非金属地下矿山压风自救系统建设规范
AQ 2034-2011.Regulations for the construction of compressed-air self-help system in metal and nonmet...
AQ 2033-2011 金属非金属地下矿山紧急避险系统建设规范
AQ 2033-2011.Regulations for construction of emergency refuge system in metal and nonmetal undergrou...
AQ 2032-2011 金属非金属地下矿山人员定位系统建设规范
AQ 2032-2011.Regulations for the construction of personnel regional positioning system in metal and ...
AQ 2023-2008 耐火材料生产安全规程
AQ 2023-2008.Safety regulations for refractory material. 1范围 AQ 2023规定了耐火材料安全生产的技术要求。 AQ 2023适用于耐火材料...
AQ 1055-2008 煤矿建设项目安全设施设计审查和竣工验收规范
AQ 1055-2008.Specifications of design inspection and completion acceptance for safety devices in coa...
AQ/T 3030-2010 危险化学品生产单位安全生产管理人员安全生产培训大纲及考核标准
AQ/T 3030-2010.Safety training syllabus and examination specification for safety manager in hazardou...