AQ 5208-2011.General requirement of occupational health & safety for painting. 1范围 AQ 5208规定了涂装职...
AQ 5206-2011 涂装工程安全评价导则
AQ 5206-2011.Guidelime for safety assesment of pining engneering. 1范围 AQ 5206规定了涂装工程建设项目安全预评价安全验收评价和...
AQ 4214-2011 焊接工艺防尘防毒技术规范
AQ 4214-2011.Guidelines of dust and poison prevention and control. 1范围 AQ 4214规定了焊接工艺防尘防毒的技术要求和管理措施。...
AQ 4213-2011 煤层气开采防尘防毒技术规范
AQ 4213-2011.Technology code of dust and poison control for coal bed methane exploitation. 1范围 AQ 42...
AQ 4203-2008 代替LD41-1992 作业场所空气中呼吸性岩尘接触浓度管理标准
AQ 4203-2008.Administrative standards for personal exposure concentration of respirable rock dust in...
AQ 4202-2008 代替LD 39- 1992 作业场所空气中呼吸性煤尘接触浓度管理标准
AQ 4202-2008.Administrative standard for personal exposure concentration of respirable coal dust in ...
AQ 4115-2011 烟花爆竹防止静电通用导则
AQ 4115-2011.Fireworks and firecrackers - general guideline for preventing electrostatic. 1范围 AQ 411...
AQ 4114-2011 烟花爆竹安全生产标志
AQ 4114-2011.Fireworks and firecrackers- Production Safety signs. 1范围 AQ 4114规定了烟花爆竹安全生产标志的分类,标志的图形、...
AQ 4102-2008 烟花爆竹流向登记通用规范
AQ 4102-2008.Flow direction of registrar system for fireworks general specifications. 1范围 AQ 4102规定了...
AQ 4101-2008 烟花爆竹企业安全监控系统通用技术条件
AQ 4101-2008.Safety monitoring system for fireworks enterprise general technical specifications. 1范围...