AQ 4106-2008.Guide for measuring ground impedence of a ground system in firecracker working place. 1...
DL/T 1464-2015 燃煤机组节能诊断导则
DL/T 1464-2015.Energy saving diagnosis code on coal-fired generating unit. 1范围 DL/T 1464规定了火力发电厂燃煤机组...
DL/T 1463-2015 变压器油中溶解气体组分含量分析用工作标准油的配制
DL/T 1463-2015.Preparation of the working standard oil for transformer oil dissolved gas composition...
DL/T 1462-2015 发电厂在线氢气系统仪表检测规程
DL/T 1462-2015.Calibration code for power plant hydrogen system instrumentation. 1范围 DL/T 1462规定了发电厂...
DL/T 1461-2015 发电厂齿轮用油运行及维护管理导则
DL/T 1461-2015.Guide for operation and maintenance of gear oil in power plant. 1范围 DL/T 1461规定了风力发电机...
AQ/T 9007-2011 生产安全事故应急演练指南
AQ/T 9007-2011.Guidelines for emergency exercises of production safety accidents. 1范围 AQ/T 9007规定了生产...
DL/T 1460-2015 矿物绝缘油中腐蚀性硫的定量测试铜粉腐蚀法
DL/T 1460-2015.Test method for quantitative determination of corrosive sulfur in mineral insulating ...
AQ/T 4208-2010 有毒作业场所危害程度分级
AQ/T 4208-2010.Classification of health hazard levels of toxic chemicals workplace. 1范围 AQ/T 4208规定了...
DL/T 1459-2015 矿物绝缘油中金属钝化剂含量的测定高效液相色谱法
DL/T 1459-2015.Quantitative determination of metal passivators in mineral insulating oils (HPLC). 1范...
AQ/T 4206-2010 作业场所职业危害基础信息数据
AQ/T 4206-2010.The basic data of occupational hazard information at workplace. 1范围 AQ/T 4206规定了作业场所职...