NB/T 10148-2019.Microgrids-Part 1 :Guidelines for microgrid projects planning and specification. 1范围...
NB/T 10122-2018 泥页岩X射线CT扫描及成像方法
NB/T 10122-2018.Shale scanning and imagination method using X-ray computed tomography. 1范围 NB/T 1012...
NB/T 10121-2018 钻井液对页岩抑制性评价方法
NB/T 10121-2018.Evaluating method of shale inhibition for drilling fluids. 1范围 NB/T 10121规定了抑制分散率试验、...
NB/T 10120-2018 页岩气自支撑裂缝导流能力测定推荐方法
NB/T 10120-2018.Recommended methods for measuring the conductivity of unpropped fracture in shale ga...
NB/T 10119-2018 页岩气试采方案编制技术要求
NB/T 10119-2018.Technical requirement of preparing production test plan for shale gas. 1范围 NB/T 1011...
NB/T 10118-2018 页岩气井取心及采样推荐作法
NB/T 10118-2018.Recommended practice for coring and sampling of shale gas wells. 1范围 NB/T 10118规定了页岩...
NB/T 10117-2018 页岩甲烷等温吸附测定重量法
NB/T 10117-2018.Determination methods of methane isothermal adsorption in shale gravimetric method. ...
NB/T 10116-2018 减少水力压裂作业对地面环境影响的推荐做法
NB/T 10116-2018.Practices for mitigating surface impacts associated with hydraulic fracturing. 1范围 N...
NB/T 10107-2018 海上风电场工程岩土试验规程
NB/T 10107-2018.Specification for Geotechnical Tests of Offshore Wind Power Projects. 1总则 1.0.1为规范海上...
NB/T 10105-2018 海上风电场工程风电机组基础设计规范
NB/T 10105-2018.Code for Design of Wind Turbine Foundations for Offshore Wind Power Projects. 1总则 1....