NB/T 31119-2017.Dry heat special environmental conditions and technical requirements for wind power ...
NB/T 31109-2017 风电场调度运行信息交换规范
NB/T 31109-2017.Information exchange specification for dispatching of wind farm. 1范围 NB/T 31109规范了并网...
NB/T 25077-2017 核电厂真空泵选型技术要求
NB/T 25077-2017.Technical requirement of selection of vacuum pump in nuclear power plant. 1范围 NB/T 2...
NB/T 25075-2017 核电厂电力变压器、油浸电抗器、互感器施工及验收规范
NB/T 25075-2017.Code for construction and acceptance of power transformers,oil reactor and mutual in...
NB/T 25074-2017 核电厂混凝土蜗壳循环水泵叶轮技术要求
NB/T 25074-2017.Specification for impeller of concrete volute circulating water pump of nuclear powe...
NB/T 25072-2017 核电厂常规岛和BOP涂装技术规范
NB/T 25072-2017.Specifcation for conventional island and BOP coating technology for nuclear power pl...
NB/T 25071-2017 核电厂常规岛及BOP机械设备工程建设阶段腐蚀管理导则
NB/T 25071-2017.Equipment corrosion management of conventional island & BOP in nuclear power pla...
NB/T 25070-2017 核电汽轮机叶片用钢
NB/T 25070-2017.Steels of blade for steam turbine in nuclear power. 1范围 NB/T 25070规定了核电汽轮机叶片用钢的订货要求,...
NB/T 25069-2017 压水堆核电厂常规岛及辅助配套设施逆变器技术要求
NB/T 25069-2017.Technical regulation for inverter of conventional island and balance of plant (BOP) ...
NB/T 25068-2017 核电厂发电机氢油水系统技术条件
NB/T 25068-2017.Technical specifications for generator auxiliary systems of nuclear power plants. 1范...