NB/T 31030-2012.Specifications for engineering geological investigation of wind power projects. 1总则 ...
NB/T 31025-2012 风力发电机组环形锻件
NB/T 31025-2012.Ring type forgings of wind turbine generator system. 1范围 NB/T 31025规定了风力发电机组塔架法兰、回转支...
NB/T 31024-2012 风力发电机组偏航液压盘式制动器
NB/T 31024-2012.Hydraulic disc brake for yawing of wind turbine generator systems. 1范围 NB/T 31024规定了...
NB/T 31021-2012 风力发电企业科技文件归档与整理规范
NB/T 31021-2012.Specification for scientific and technological records filing and arrangement of win...
NB/T 20411-2017 核安全相关结构预埋件设计技术规程
NB/T 20411-2017.Design regulation for nuclear safety-related struetural embedment. 1范围 NB/T 20411规定了...
NB/T 20311-2014 压水堆核电厂安全壳喷淋系统设计准则
NB/T 20311-2014.Design criteria for containment spray system of pressurized water reactor nuclear po...
NB/T 20310-2014 压水堆核电厂最终热阱构筑物设计要求
NB/T 20310-2014.Design requirements for structures of ultimate heat sink for pressurized water react...
NB/T 20309-2014 能动安全系统压水堆核电厂总设计要求
NB/T 20309-2014.General design requirements of pressurized water reactor nuclear power plants with a...
NB/T 20303-2014 压水堆核电厂预应力混凝土安全壳设计规范
NB/T 20303-2014.Design requirements for prestressed concrete containments for pressure water reactor...
NB/T 20296-2014 核电厂安全重要电气、仪表和控制设备维修要求
NB/T 20296-2014.Maintenance requirement of electrical, instrumentation and control equipment importa...