NB/T 32040-2017.Code for Design of Occupational Safety and Health of Photovoltaic Power Projects. 1总...
NB/T 32039-2017 光伏发电工程安全预评价规程
NB/T 32039-2017.Specification for Safety Pre-assessment of Photovoltaic Power Projects. 1总则 1.0.1为贯彻...
NB/T 31128-2017 风电场工程建筑设计规范
NB/T 31128-2017.Code for Buildings Design of Wind Power Projects. 1总则 1.0.1 为规范风电场工程建筑设计,制定本规范。 1.0....
NB/T 31118-2017 风电场工程档案验收规程
NB/T 31118-2017.Archives Acceptance Specification for Wind Power Projects. 1总则 1.0.1为规范风电场工程档 案验收工作,...
NB/T 31117-2017 海上风电场交流海底电缆选型敷设技术导则
NB/T 31117-2017.Guide for Selection and Laying of AC Submarine Cables for Offshore Wind Power Projec...
NB/T 31113-2017 陆上风电场工程施工组织设计规范
NB/T 31113-2017.Code for Construction Organization Design of Onshore Wind Power Projects. 1总则 1.0.1为...
NB/T 31112-2017 风电场工程招标设计技术规定
NB/T 31112-2017.Technical Requirements for Tender Design of Wind Power Projects. 1范围 NB/T 31112规定了风电...
NB/T 31064-2014 海上双馈风力发电机技术条件
NB/T 31064-2014.Technical specifications for off-shore type double-fed wind generator. 1范围 NB/T 3106...
NB/T 31063-2014 海上永磁同步风力发电机
NB/T 31063-2014.Permanent magnetic synchronous generator for off-shore wind turbine. 1范围 NB/T 31063规...
NB/T 31049-2014 风力发电机绝缘规范
NB/T 31049-2014.Insulation specification for wind turbine generator. 1范围 NB/T 31049规定了并网型风力发电机绝缘规范。 ...