JT/T 1352-2020 Sea-rail intermodal transport-Train and cargo tracking interface. 1范围 JT/T 1352规定了海铁联...
JT/T 1351-2020 海铁联运需求车提报报文
JT/T 1351-2020 Sea-rail intermodal transport- Railway loading demand message. 1范围 JT/T 1351规定了海铁联运需求...
JT/T 1350-2020 海铁联运列车磅单报文
JT/T 1350-2020 Sea-rail intermodal transport-Train weighing list message. 1范围 JT/T 1350规定了海铁联运列车磅单报文...
JT/T 1349-2020 多功能钢质托盘技术要求
JT/T 1349-2020 Technical requirements for multifunctional steel pallet. 1范围 JT/T 1349规定了多功能钢质托盘的分类与规...
JT/T 1348-2020 冷链货物空陆联运通用要求
JT/T 1348-2020 General requirements of air-ground multimodal transport for cold chain cargo. 1范围 JT/...
JT/T 1347-2020 公铁联运货运枢纽功能区布设规范
JT/T 1347-2020 Specification for layout and design of functional zones in road-rail intermodal freig...
JT/T 1346-2020 船舶油气回收安全技术要求
JT/T 1346-2020 Safety technical requirements for vapour collection of oil tanker. 1范围 JT/T 1346规定了船舶...
JT/T 1342-2020 燃料电池客车技术规范
JT/T 1342-2020 Fuel cell electric bus technical requirement. 1范围 JT/T 1342规定了燃料电池客车的技术要求、试验方法,以及标志.运...
JT/T 1341-2020 绞吸挖泥船能耗检测及计算方法
JT/T 1341-2020 Test and calculation method for energy consumption of cutter suction dredger. 1范围 JT/...
JT/T 1340-2020 船舶能耗数据收集与报告技术要求
JT/T 1340-2020 Technical requirements for ships ' energy consumption data collection and reporting. ...