JT/T 1286-2020 Manufacturing practice for transferred unitized cargo of air-ground intermodal transp...
JT/T 1285-2020 危险货物道路运输营运车辆安全技术条件
JT/T 1285-2020 Safety technical specifications for commercial vehicles for road transport of dangero...
JT/T 1284-2020 低平板半挂车技术规范
JT/T 1284-2020 Technical specification for low deck semi-trailer. 1范围 JT/T 1284规定了低平板半挂车的通用技术要求.低平板增...
JT/T 1153-2017 混凝土钢筋位置测定仪标准器
JT/T 1153-2017 Standard for determining location of concrete reinforced bar. 1范围 JT/T 1153规定了混凝土钢筋位置...
JT/T 961-2020 交通运输行业反恐怖防范基本要求
JT/T 961-2020 Basie reqpuireaments of amti-terrorlsm prevention in transport industry. 1范围 JT/T 961规...
JT/T 939.4-2020 公路LED照明灯具第4部分:桥梁护栏LED照明灯具
JT/T 939.4-2020 LED lighting luminaires for highway-Part 4:LED lighting luminaires on bridge guardra...
JT/T 423-2020 购置新船及二手船节能技术要求
JT/T 423-2020 Technical requirements for energy saving on purchasing new and secondhand ships. 1范围 J...
JT/T 262-2013 内河船舶起锚机和起锚绞盘
JT/T 262-2013 Windlasses and anchor capstans for inland-waterways vessels. 1范围 JT/T 262规定了电动、液压柴油机驱动...
JT/T 18-2020 交通运输标准制定、修订程序和要求
JT/T 18-2020 Procedure and requirement for development or revision of transportation standards. 1范围 ...
JT/T 1336-2020 港口机械钢结构表面防腐涂层维护保养技术规范
JT/T 1336-2020 Technical specification of anti-corrosive coating maintenance for port machinery stee...