GY/T 5084-2011.Code for technics earthing of radio and television engineering. 1.0.1 为规范广播电视工程工艺接地系统...
GY 5022-2007 广播电视播音(演播)室混响时间测量规范
GY 5022-2007.Code for measurement of reverberation time in radio & television studios. 1.0.1 为规范...
GY/T 5083-2010 省级广播电视安全播出指挥调度中心工程技术规范
GY/T 5083-2010.Technical code for engineering of provincial level radio and television safety broadc...
GY/T 5043-2013 广播电视中心技术用房室内环境要求
GY/T 5043-2013.Standard for indoor env ironmental requirement of radio & TV engineer ing technol...
GY/T 5088-2013 电视和调频广播发射天馈线系统技术指标及测量方法
GY/T 5088-2013.Technical specification and measurement methods for television and FM transmitting an...
GY/T 5089-2014 广播通信钢塔桅可靠性检测鉴定规范
GY/T 5089-2014.Code for inspection and appraisal of reliability of broadcast communication steel tow...
GB/T 34995-2017 单频网授时接收设备技术要求和测量方法
GB/T 34995-2017.Technical requirements and measurement methods of receiving equipments for time serv...
GB/T 34993-2017 节目分配网络ASI/DS3适配器及解适配器技术要求和测量方法
GB/T 34993-2017.Technical requirements and measurement methods for ASI/DS3 adapter and de-adapter us...
GB/T 33665-2017 声像节目数字出版物技术要求及检测方法
GB/T 33665-2017.Technical requirements and detecting method of audio and video program for digital p...
GB/T 26686-2017 地面数字电视接收机通用规范
GB/T 26686-2017.General specification for digital terrestrial television receiver. GB/T 26686规定了支持GB...