GA/T 1207-2014.Technical identification for motor vehicle feature based on digital videos and images...
GA/T 1201-2014 道路交通安全违法行为卫星定位技术取证规范
GA/T 1201-2014.Specifications for satellite positioning technology forensics of road traffic offence...
GA/T 1185-2014 安全防范工程技术文件编制深度要求
GA/T 1185-2014.Compiling requirements for technical documents in security engineering use. 1范围 GA/T ...
GA/T 1162-2014 法医生物检材的提取、保存、送检规范
GA/T 1162-2014.Specifications for collection, preservation and delivery of forensic biologic samples...
GA/T 1073-2013 生物样品血液、尿液中乙醇、甲醇、正丙醇、乙醛、丙酮、异丙醇和正丁醇的顶空-气相色谱检验方法
GA/T 1073-2013.HS-GC examination methods for ethanol, methanol , nr propanol,aldehyde , acetone,isop...
GA/T 1054.6-2017 公安数据元限定词(6)
GA/T 1054.6-2017.Qualifiers for data elements of public security (6). 1范围 GA/T 1054.6规定了30 个公安数据元限定词...
GA/T 1048.1-2013 标准汉译英要求第1部分:术语
GA/T 1048.1-2013.Requirements for translation of standards from Chinese into English-Part 1:Terminol...
GA/T 1039-2012 消防员心理训练指南
GA/T 1039-2012.Guidelines for firemen psychological trainings. 1范围 GA/T 1039规定了消防员心理训练的训练目的及原则、训练组织、...
GA/T 1034-2012 火灾事故调查案卷制作
GA/T 1034-2012.Documentation of fire investigation archives. 1范围 GA/T 1034规定了火灾事故调查案卷的术语和定义,案卷分类,案卷内...
GA/T 1028.4-2012 机动车驾驶人考试系统通用技术条件第4部分:道路驾驶技能考试系统
GA/T 1028.4-2012.General technical specifications for driving test systems-Part 4 : Road driving tes...