GA/T 1462-2018.Technical requirements for equipment of police command vehicles for road traffic emer...
GA/T 1458-2017 机动车驾驶人考场监督检查规范
GA/T 1458-2017.Specifications for inspection of driving test places. 1范围 GA/T 1458规定了机动车驾驶人考场的日常监督检查...
GA/T 1456-2017 唾液毒品检测装置通用技术要求
GA/T 1456-2017.General technical requirements for detector of illegal drug in oral fluid. 1范围 GA/T 1...
GA/T 1450-2017 法庭科学车体痕迹检验规范
GA/T 1450-2017.Specifications for examination of vehicle marks in Forensics. 1范围 GA/T 1450规定了车体痕迹的检验...
GA/T 1447-2017 法庭科学变造文件的紫外光致发光检验技术规范
GA/T 1447-2017.Technical specifications for ultraviolet photoluminescent examination of altered docu...
GA/T 1452-2017 法庭科学线形痕迹硅橡胶提取方法
GA/T 1452-2017.Methods for lifting striated toolmarks by silastic in Forensics. 1范围 GA/T 1452规定了法庭科学...
GA/T 1446-2017 法庭科学纸张定量测定技术规范
GA/T 1446-2017.Technical specifications for grammage of paper in Forensics. 1范围 GA/T 1446规定了法庭科学各类单张...
GA/T 1445-2017 法庭科学压痕字迹的静电显现技术规范
GA/T 1445-2017.Technical specifications for electrostatic appearance of impression writing in Forens...
GA/T 1411.4-2017 警用无人驾驶航空器系统第4部分:固定翼无人驾驶航空器系统
GA/T 1411.4-2017.Police unmanned aircraft systems-Part 4: Fixed-wing unmanned aircraft system. 1范围 G...
GA/T 1411.3-2017 警用无驾驶航空器系统第3部分:多旋翼无人驾驶航空器系统
GA/T 1411.3-2017.Police unmanned aircraft systems-Part 3: Multi-axis unmanned aircraft system. 1范围 G...