GA/T 1093-2013.Technical requirements for face recognition system for access control. 1范围 GA/T 1093规...
GA/T 1069-2013 法庭科学电子物证手机检验技术规范
GA/T 1069-2013.Technical specifications for mobile phone examination of electronic forensics. 1范围 GA...
GA/T 1059-2013 警用数字集群(PDT)通信系统安全技术规范
GA/T 1059-2013.Police digital trunking communication system-Security technical specifications. 1范围 G...
GA/T 1054.4-2016 公安数据元限定词(4)
GA/T 1054.4-2016.Qualifiers for data elements of public security (4). 1范围 GA/T 1054.4规定了217个公安数据元限定词...
GA/T 1048.2-2013 标准汉译英要求第2部分:标准名称
GA/T 1048.2-2013.Requirements for translation of standards from Chinese into English-Part 2 :Title o...
GA/T 1031-2012 泄漏电缆入侵探测装置通用技术要求
GA/T 1031-2012.General technical requirements for leaky cable intrusion detecting devices. 1范围 GA/T ...
GA/T 1011-2012 居民身份证指纹采集器通用技术要求
GA/T 1011-2012.General technical requirements for fingerprint capture device of the resident ID card...
GA/T 974.90-2015 消防信息代码第90部分:灭火器类型代码
GA/T 974.90-2015.Code: for the fire infornation-Part 90: Codes for fire extingnisher types. 1范围 GA/T...
GA/T 974.86-2015 消防信息代码第86部分:消防安全重点单位类别代码
GA/T 974.86-2015.Codes for the fire information-Fart 86:Category crdss for key units of fire safety....
GA/T 882-2010 数字化审讯(讯问)记录系统技术要求
GA/T 882-2010.Technical requirement for digital trial recording system. 1范围 GA/T 882规定了数字化审讯(讯问)记录系统...