GA/T 1297-2016.Wires and cables for security systems. 1范围 GA/T 1297规定了安防线缆的分类与标记、技术要求、标志、制造长度、试验方法、检...
GA/T 1296-2016 电动自行车物联网防盗终端通用技术要求
GA/T 1296-2016.General technical requirements for burglar-resistant terminals of electric bicycles b...
GA/T 1294-2016 公安应急储备物资管理信息系统接口参数
GA/T 1294-2016.Interfaces between central management information system and subordinate ones of publ...
GA/T 1289-2016 燃烧训练室技术要求
GA/T 1289-2016.Technical requirements for burn room for fire fighting training. 1范围 GA/T 1289规定了燃烧训练...
GA/T 1275-2015 石油储罐火灾扑救行动指南
GA/T 1275-2015.Guidelines for oil storage tanks firefighting. 1范围 GA/T 1275规定了石油储罐火灾扑救行动的术语和定义、总则、扑救...
GA/T 1260-2016 人行出入口电控通道闸通用技术要求
GA/T 1260-2016.General technical requirements for electrical channel gates of pedestrian access. 1范围...
GA/T 1245-2015 多产权建筑消防安全管理
GA/T 1245-2015.Fire safety management for multi-ownership buildings. 1范围 GA/T 1245规定了多产权建筑消防安全管理中产权方...
GA/T 1226-2015 治安管理信息数据备案及访问服务接口总体技术规范
GA/T 1226-2015.General technical specifications for interfaces of public security admninistration in...
GA/T 1219-2015 地(住)址基础信息数据项
GA/T 1219-2015.Basic data items of address information. 1范围 GA/T 1219规定了治安管理地(住)址基础信息数据项。 GA/T 1219适...
GA/T 1217-2015 光纤振动入侵探测器技术要求
GA/T 1217-2015.Technical requirements for optical fiber vibration intrusion detectors. 1范围 GA/T 1217...