GA/T 1681-2019.Forensic sciences-Technical specifications for examination of convex bit key duplicat...
GA/T 1662-2019 法庭科学硅藻检验技术规范微波消解真空抽滤-显微镜法
GA/T 1662-2019.Forensic sciences-Technical specifications for diatom inspection-Microwave digestion-...
GA/Z 1600-2019 法庭科学标准体系结构
GA/Z 1600-2019.Standard architecture for Forensic sciences. 1范围 GA/Z 1600规定了法庭科学标准体系的结构。 GA/Z 1600适用...
GA/T 1593-2019 “互联网+公安政务服务”标准体系
GA/T 1593-2019.Standard system for the Internet plus government services initiative for public secur...
GA/T 1591-2019 警务智能语音服务平台接口规范
GA/T 1591-2019.Specifications for interface of intelligent voice service platform for the police. 1范...
GA/T 1579.4-2019 法庭科学印刷文件检验样本提取规范第4部分:复印文件
GA/T 1579.4-2019.Forensic sciences-Specifications for collection of printed samples-Part 4: Photocop...
GA/T 1579.3-2019 法庭科学印刷文件检验样本提取规范第3部分:打印文件
GA/T 1579.3-2019.Forensic sciences-Specifications for collection of printed samples-Part 3: Printed ...
GA/T 1579.2-2019 法庭科学印刷文件检验样本提取规范第2部分:制版印刷文件
GA/T 1579.2-2019.Forensic sciences-Specifications for collection of printed samples-Part 2: Plate-ba...
GA/T 1569-2019 法庭科学电子物证检验实验室建设规范
GA/T 1569-2019.Forensic sciences-Specifications for building laboratories for electronic evidence ex...
GA/T 1568-2019 法庭科学电子物证检验术语
GA/T 1568-2019.Forensic sciences-Terminology for electronic evidence examination. 1范围 GA/T 1568规定了电子...